Alpha and Omega School
“We will run with patience the race that is set before us….” Hebrews 12:1
Alpha and Omega School
“We will run with patience the race that is set before us….” Hebrews 12:1
Our Mission:
To provide through the medium of English and a Christian ethos environment, affordable quality co-educational pre- and primary education, so that learners will realize their full potential and become responsible citizens.
Our Vision:
To develop ambassadors who will fulfill their purpose in God’s kingdom in every aspect of their lives and within communities, cities and nations.
Alpha and Omega School in Numbers
Curriculum Overview
Alpha and Omega School offers the South African Department of Education’s CAPS curriculum in a Christian ethos environment.
Our qualified Math teachers help students develop mental processes that enhance logical and critical thinking, accuracy and problem-solving that will contribute in decision-making.
English Home Language
As an English Medium school, we strive to develop the skills of listening and speaking, reading and viewing, writing and presenting, and language structure and use.
Afrikaans First Additional Language
Dink en Redeneer en Taalstruktuur en -gebruik is in al vier die taalvaardighede (luister, praat, lees en skryfwerk) geïntegreer.
Natural Sciences and Technology
Our NS&T curriculum aims to provide learners with opportunities to put together ideas they have about nature so that they make sense. It also encourages learners to ask questions that could lead to further research and investigation.
Social Science
Our Social Sciences curriculum aims to provide opportunities for learners to look at their own worlds with fresh, critical eyes and perhaps more importantly, it aims to introduce learners to a world beyond their everyday realities.
Life Skills
The Life Skills subject is aimed at guiding and preparing learners for life and its possibilities, including equipping learners for meaningful and successful living in a rapidly changing and transforming society. Through Life Skills learners are exposed to a range of knowledge, skills and values
Our Co-curricular Activities
Our students participate in a wide variety of sports, including athletics, cricket, soccer and netball.
Our students are exposed to dance, drama and music throughout the year.
Information Communication Technology
Our students also develop digital skills and attend weekly Coding and Robotics classes.